2020 Victory Farewell
Standing at the culmination 0f 2020 which has pushed us to the limits of our stamina, bravery, patience, faith, and mental capacity, we bid it farewell.
Watching 2020 make its departure towards history, remembering the stamina, bravery, patience, faith, and mental capacity it has taken to endure, we wave until it disappears from our eyesight.
Harkening to the stampeding sounds of 2020 which have beckoned our humanity into awakening, embracing the stamina, bravery, patience, faith, and mental capacity to sift through, uncover, and learn, we raise our fist in solidarity as it silently passes from us.
Reposing in the bittersweet glow of 2020 which brought countless blessings, heartbreak, joy and grief, treasuring our fortress of stamina, bravery, patience, faith, and mental capacity in this uncertain storm, we extend a nod of thanksgiving as it withdraws from our presence.
Acknowledging the unfathomable challenges and unspeakable dread which upended 2020, saluting our stamina, bravery, patience, faith, and mental capacity, triumphantly we say “peace” and proclaim victory.
Welcome 2021