Happy 4th Anniversary

As of November 27, 2021, I am fortunate, pleased, and blessed to be able to announce to you, share with you, and welcome you into our 4th year Anniversary of Hormones and High Heels.  And once again, I take this opportunity to acknowledge and send a heartfelt THANK YOU to each subscriber for accompanying me on our literary journey and exploration of women and womanhood. 

Purposefully I use the word “our” because any measure of success, inspiration, and information that finds its’ way to the blog, is not just a result of what I have written, but is also informed by shared experiences, insights, suggestions, conversations and comments that have been posted by all of our subscribers and readers.

Additionally, during this time of reflection and gratitude for what has been realized these past 4 years, with a spirit of humility and all sincerity, please know that I am extremely appreciative for all of your words of encouragement and critique that have found their way to me both on-line and personally.  That you have taken the time to read and share responses to the various articles has truly enriched the community of Hormones and High Heels and has become an invaluable resource as I consider future subject matter.  These gems and kindnesses that have flowed from you to me will continue to assist me in maintaining a high level of content and increasing the quality of what greets you when you come to get your dose of our grown women’s narrative.  (These words are repeated from the 2nd Anniversary.  But because they are so appropriate, they bear repeating and I have nothing further to add that would eclipse their meaning). 

Accomplishments for 2021:

·       Increased consistency of blog post content

·       On-line store opening

·       Increased presence on social media platforms

·       Increased readership and subscribers

·       Sharing links to accompany posts

On the Horizon for 2022:

·       Complete first publication

·       Increased products in on-line store

  • Continued loyalty discount coupons

·       Continued consistency w/new blog content

·       Sponsor/facilitate 2 online social events

·       Continued increased social media presence:

Again, THANK YOU for being a lifeline to Hormones and High Heels.  I remain committed to assuring a high standard of respect, consideration, and conscientiousness with your stories, personal information, and testimonies. 

Finally, Please feel free to share comments, concerns, questions, suggestions, etc. with me at jhahh82@gmail.com.

Be well and be blessed,

Jewell M Simmons

DBA Hormones and High Heels

Jewell M Simmons8 Comments