Spiritual Sistah

Good Day

I am happy to meet, greet, and welcome you into the arena of the 

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 I Am
My story is that:

I remember a time when all I wanted to do was hide, go unnoticed, and for all intensive purposes, be invisible. 

 It didn’t seem as if the world was a welcoming place for a woman/girl/female SISTAH
who had bright ideas, dreamt beyond the realms of imposed boundaries, and didn’t know “her place”. 

Some disregarded me as a casualty of cultural bias, and some excused themselves for their treatment of me as the designated custodians of societal borders. 
Some dismissed my plight as the result of the “glass ceiling”, and some called it a matter of racial inferiority,
And then some even had the nerve to call it whimsical and inconsequential thinking/wishing based on
substandard going nowhere and doing nothing intelligence.

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 How dare I want to be a creator of my own visions?
How dare I imagine that I could bring forth into this world something valuable and miraculous that wasn’t attached to an umbilical cord? 
How dare I believe there was magnificence wrestling with my intellect that was fully capable of bringing a concept into actuality?

 And so, what do you do when what you thought was brilliant, attainable, and viable, is marginalized, ridiculed, discouraged, and/or ignored? 
What do you do when it still burns in your spirit seeking and asking and begging to be enlivened?


As women/girls/females, we have been induced and seduced into behaving like obedient receptacles holding tightly and unwaveringly to the doubt of others as if we thought it up all by ourselves.

 And as I wrestle with a myriad of thoughts and emotions stirred up in this contemplative state,
It brings me mind-to-face with this poem I penned, titled:

 “The Bridge”


Across the bridge sleeps a place ready to surrender
At a glance the scenery appears calm and serene
But to journey across requires a very delicate balance
For the bridge unites the dreamer with the dream

 Adoring and savoring this panoramic view
is merely a reason to hesitate
Waiting until the perfect moment is an ill-conceived notion
Because tomorrow is sometimes too late

Tomorrow dreams float into the distance
Completely out of arm’s reach or hand’s grasp
They can be envisioned dancing off into nothingness
Because too much time has been permitted to lapse

 Seizing the courage to step out on faith
Is likened to riding the crest of a wave
But what a tragic state of existence
When the bridge
has crashed onto the shore
Of yesterday’s grave

 And as and after I rehearse this from my memory,
I am brought into union and remembrance of who I am and Whose I am. 
And I Know without reservation that the gifts given to me are holy and sacred. 
I Know that the inspirations and enlightenments bestowed upon me are commissioned and ordained by God.
And I Know that


 Yes!!!  This all requires courage sometimes I’m not sure I am capable of demonstrating.
 And Yes, there are moments when I have to have the talk with myself and say,
Either you trust God, or you don’t. 
Either you are willing to see and experience the wonders performed through and with the Divine, or you are not. 
Either you have the audacity to act in faithfulness, or you are going to wait for permission from some unknown, unnamed, and uninspired entity.

 So during those times when skepticism is poking around the fringes of my psyche,
I have learned to close my eyes, throw my head back, and sing myself into brave commemoration:

We have come this far by faith - Everyday And I’m Leaning
Leaning on the Lord
And I’m Trusting – Trusting in His Holy Word
He Never Failed – He never failed me yet
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Can’t Turn Around – No, No, No No, Won’t Turn Around
We’ve come this far by Faith

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 So Be It