Spicy Sistah

Some time ago, I came up with a concept to honor, celebrate, and pay tribute to the beauty and brilliance of Black women. After centuries and decades of being marginalized, it is way overdue. And though I am proud to be a woman in and out of my skin, and want to find a place in my creative space for all nationalities, this is specifically designed for my girls, my sisters.

So welcome

And let me introduce you to one of the many character women that has emerged.

Hope you enjoy your time with the


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To my women/girl, female SISTAHS

I invite you to join with me in my narrative:




I was given that authority when I was called into existence


HE/SHE/IT provided me with the opportunity and endowed me with all of the resources needed, So I willingly yet humbly and gratefully, allowed myself to be the vessel.

And as I prepared to undertake this transformative journey, I offered prayer that the designed purpose for this SISTAH creation would be made manifest in me,

I gave thanksgiving for having been entrusted with such a precious honor and privilege, and I rendered praise as I felt the Spirit of my assignment breathe life into me and

Then I said, “Yes”.

Imagining what it must feel like to emerge within a definition fashioned just for you.

That is true freedom!!!!

However, although this bold and beautiful proclamation

“I Checked with Myself & Gave Myself permission to be Absolutely Fabulous”

is uniquely mine,

Its’ mission is not exclusively mine.

What makes it uniquely mine is that it is going to show up in my life in accordance with my demonstration of it, how I develop it, how I manage it, and how I execute it.

But Fabulous does not begin and end with me, your SPICY SISTAH,

I am here merely to share my flavor with my women/girl/female SISTAHS so that you too may give rise to your own special brand and blend of Fabulousness because one of the basic tenets of Fabulous is to be your uniquely confident self.

So, Why Fabulous? The real question is Why Not?

Truly, it is not conceited, shallow, arrogant, or vain to strive to be Fabulous.

What it is about is being composed and capable and not holding back.

It’s about rising above and through your insecurities and fears and not dimming your shine to accommodate those of others.

It’s about meeting yourself at the place of your potential and the altar of your promise and not shrinking because some may refuse or are unable to meet you where you are.

It’s about living in the fullness of the light appointed you and not flickering ineffectually despite and while wrestling with your own inevitable sometimes internal trepidation

Fabulous asks:

When we have the choice, ability, and opportunity, Why would we not opt for the very best? What would motivate us to willingly accept a downgrade?

How and why would we fix our minds to convince ourselves that it is okay to not reap all of the wonderful things that have been awaiting our arrival?

What is the point and/or purpose of embracing deficiency?

Although it is not always easy,

Fabulous feels and looks good!!

(And please, don’t mistake this idea of “looking good” to be synonymous with pretty because that would make it superficial).

Fabulous is not a physical achievement but a Spiritual manifestation.

Being Fabulous takes effort, commitment, dedication, and spunk.

Show me a Fabulous, lazy person and I’ll show you an oxymoron and a fraud.

And yes, Fabulous is also honest and shoots straight from the hip

She doesn’t allow her definition to become muddled in words or phrases that may sound like her but are merely weak imitations

And she doesn’t permit herself to become covered in rags or riches that distort and misrepresent her truth

And she does what she does and is who she is, not because she seeks or needs attention, but because she is living the authentic existence of what she came here to do

So that’s why they call me “SPICY”.

Because I put in the work and bring Fabulous to life.

And even when I am a little or a lot afraid, I keep moving forward and taking chances.

As I strut comfortably and Fabulously

By the Will and Design that commanded that I be so,

I am humming my theme song all of the way:

This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let it Shine

This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let it Shine

This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let it Shine

Let it Shine, Let it Shine, LET IT SHINE

And when I come struttin’,

I am always rockin’ my HEELS!!!!

Glad to have met you,

Have a Fabulous Day

If you can identify with our Spicy Sistah, please share how and why. We would love to hear from you. The richer the conversation, the more we grow.