In The Fire

Hello and Greetings in the spirit of Sisterhood to each of you.

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After an unexpected, unintended, and unforeseeable stretch of over 50 days, I am back.  And from the bottom of my heart, I must confess that I truly have missed being with you. Without much ado, I would like to begin where I left off, entertaining and laughing about the life of women’s lingerie and such.  However, before I can even address that topic and more of the same genre, I have got to give you some understanding of where I have been, how I have lived, how I have experienced life, and where Hormones and High Heels will be speaking from, at least for a while. I hope you will go with me.  I hope you will be encouraged, inspired, enlightened, entertained, uplifted, etcetera, as we capture an in-depth view of this woman’s journey. So here goes……

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Very self-satisfied, I climbed into bed on May 3rd, 2021.  And why not? After all a very successful and rewarding day had prepared me for a good night’s rest.  I began my day with meditation and prayer - giving Thanksgiving to the Most High God for truly being God and for His being/presence in my life.  Thusly, I was stepping into the day at peace and feeling joyful and joy filled.  I took a nice leisurely and refreshing shower, cleansing my body, getting my mind right, and focusing my energy.  I preached and testified in my spirit as I prepared myself to embark on the day and receive the goodness, I was sure it would bring.  I exercised and ultimately through the course of the day reached the milestone goal of 10,573k steps and burned 2344 calories.  This included a low-impact old school dance 60 minutes aerobics class routine.  With music floating through the house, and working from home, I did 5 loads of laundry.  Up and down the stairs I went without a care in the world.  In the evening I participated in a productive, God-centered, do-the-right-thing meeting.  Prior to concluding the night, I enjoyed a nice and healthy meal, accompanied by my favorite libation of 1 shot of vodka over 3 cubes of ice and Cran-Lemonade juice in my 11 oz glass.  And for good measure, I almost always bring one of these flavorful treats into the bedroom prior to saying my nightly prayers and positioning myself to sleep. 

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Laid back on my pillows, I considered my stride and what I was accomplishing.  I had just opened my on-line store selling masks exclusively designed for Hormones and High Heels while getting myself attuned for greater business opportunities, personal and spiritual growth, and elevated creativity.  I was meeting my goals, checking off my list of to dos and must haves.  And all is well.

But somewhere in the night, somebody or something turned the heat on.  I didn’t know it, I didn’t suspect it, and I didn’t even feel it.  I just slept comfortably from side to back and back to side.  But when I arose for 6:00am prayer, something had changed and changed significantly.  I began to experience a “heat” that was becoming intense, but manageable.  The temperature in the house was the same as the night before when I retired for bed, moderate, and comfortable, thermostat unchanged. 

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But there was a new sensation and realization of “heat” that wasn’t making me physically hotter, but it did cause me to take some pain medication and lie down with a heating pad in an attempt to sooth the pain that was coming to, moving through, and residing in my body, beginning at my right hip and extending down to the tip of my right foot toes.  And as the pain became more intense, less manageable, less tolerable, turning from noticeable and concerning and moving into alarming and a bit frightening, I called my son and told him that I needed him to help me get to the hospital. 

Somehow, I was able to get myself together while the pain increased and my ability to walk decreased.  As I called on God to help me, to deliver me from this thing that was gripping every ounce of my attention, my body, and my mind, a new level of fear began to overtake me, and panic set all the way in.

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Little did I know, but I had begun the irreversible and undeniable process of being In The Fire

And this is what I found…..